Monday, July 31, 2017

The French Prince of Bel Aire

Well this week was a million of different emotions..... after we sat in the airport for 17 hours we made it to Kansas and we got to sleep for 4 and a half hours crammed in a 1 bedroom apartment with 5 other elders before we had to get up and shower for the next day. ☠😷😷 then we went to the church for some more training... you'd think that'd be over with in the MTC but fyi it never stops ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ then at transfers I got my comp--- I'm looking down the line to guess who my trainer will be and I was like I hope it's not that dude who looks like a  Sargent in the marines. And he ended up being him... so I have elder Lamont as my trainer and not gonna lie i was nervous as all get out so instantly was like welp maybe I'll serve a 2 month mission right? Close enough? But no actually he's from Reno, super cool, really funny, wants to work and his priorities are solid! 
We are serving in the Bel Aire area! I love that guy he's so funny and a devil at the steering wheel lol 

That night we went and met our progressing investigators a family of 6 all wanting to be baptized and Kay she's an old widow all of them are amazing. Then the next day I get a call from the AP`s (assistant to mission President) and they wanna go on splits with me and I was like awe fetch what did I do wrong! So we went and did a lot of street contacting and tracting! It was so fun I was with Elder Simònton from Gilbert Az!!!!  Hes so funny and really cool. Then the next day we went and met up again with all the people we met the day before while I was on splits. But no one wanted to answer so we did some more street contacting! Then Saturday morning we got a call from President extending to us that we will be speaking French! So now we have to learn that too! All day Saturday we ran back and forth between appointments and trying to find rides for people to get to church Sunday! And Sunday we ended up having 6 investigators make it to church it was awesome! They seem to like church a lot! And all day Sunday we tried to find more people to teach and talk to so we went to some referrals houses and we sat with a guy named Carey Huggins for about an hour talking about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and it was so powerful even though he's smoking a cig and drinking a 40 while we're talking with him hahaha! I love my area and my mission so far! 

Elder Bischoff

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