Monday, August 7, 2017

Week 2 in KS

So this week was wack! It was super good and super long at times hahaha.
So on Tuesday we decided to clean out our area book and well haha it was a lot if driving and not a lot of talking with people! But then we met Albert and that guy is hilarious he's an old guy who doesn't remember how old he is. Sometimes he's 109 then he's 105 then 106 then 102 hahaha it's so funny we talked with him for 30ish minutes and he had told us the same story about 5 times. It was great! He wanted a B.O.M and a restoration pamphlet. On Wednesday we did service for the food bank and basically it's where we make these sack lunches for kids who don't get 3 meals a day at home so the food bank gives them these bags for the weekends! It was so cool! Then later that night we had an appointment with a guy named Joe! We were there, his friends from the ward were there, and so was the stake President! It was so cool! They had read from the Book of Mormon and they had a lot of questions so they typed up a document for us with all their concerns and stuff it was awesome! The stake President took control of that it was amazing! It made me realize I'm not even close to knowing what he knows! It was so cool to watch and be apart of! Thursday we went street contacting and to visit some elderly people in the ward and that was cool! Their all so nice! Friday we had interviews with President and they were cool! But then that night we had an appointment with Ian and he was referred to us by his dad! And he already knew who Joseph Smith was and believes everything his dad tells him! He was telling us he could already recognize the spirit and it was so cool to watch him tell us everything we were going to tell him! Freaking Lit! Then Saturday we went and mowed a lady's yard and helped her around the house. Then we went to an elderly couples house again and she was telling us how he friend wants a blessing because her health is acting up. So we went and gave her friend a blessing! Then the Sants had us over for dinner! Then we went over to Billy and Amy's house and they are doin awesome! Then Sunday we had a lot of investigators at church again! It was awesome we had 6 there! Then we had an appointment with a guy named Mark and he's a Jehovahs Wittness and that was well interesting. Especially cuz it was at the kingdom hall. Then the Sants had us over for dinner again!

Elder Bischoff

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