Monday, September 25, 2017

The Refugee Family

Wow. Holy Guacamole! This week has been incredible! I guess We lived past the supposed end of the world 3 times now in 17 years so congrats y'all!!! 

We were told that this family who we thought were members was actually a part member family! The parents and uncle are not baptized but 4 of the 8 children were! It's so awesome! They are and African Refugee family from Congo I believe! They are incredible! They speak Songu, French, and one other African language! It's so amazing to go over there! So we are teaching them English and they are teaching us French hahaha it's so awesome! We went over there Wednesday and we helped a member move a bed into their house for them! Then later in the evening he told us to go to Wal Mart with him and while we were there he bought them a Microwave and some crayons and coloring books and just basic things we take for granted and another member wanted to give them a TV so we have them that too! It was the cutest thing ever to see their eyes light up over basic things in American houses was so humbling! Later in the week we went over to another investigators house and they were in pain and trying to clean the house and we decided to help them! It was so fun to be able to clean up and serve them and just be out and help people in the community! Mom don't get any ideas..... I have 2 years so it might just be a phase so don't expect it when I get home hahah.... Later in the week we actually had to give up our car to another companionship! So how does that primary song go something like "the pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked and walked..........."   that explains a lot of the filler time because we actually have a giant area so it's really difficult to walk to appointment to appointment but it's all good! 
We had the opportunity to go to the food bank again Friday so that was cool! Oh yea also we got smartphones sooooooo that's a thing now hahaha! We had zone conference Wednesday and that was totally gnarly!  Haha sorry for my adhd I'm all over the place!! 
Sunday in sacrament meeting I learned a lot of pretty cool things and I'd like to share a few of those with you. So for those of you who may not know what sacrament meeting is, it's an hour long meeting where we partake of the sacrament and that is a symbol of Jesus Christs blood and body meaning as we partake of it we promise to take his name to be upon us. And we also renew the promises we make with God when we are baptized a member. But during this meeting usually members will be asked to give a talk and during one of those talks I learned God is the Master planner but he left it up to Jesus to create the Earth. He did the same with us. He created us perfectly but it's up to us on how we build and shape our life. How profound is that? God gives us all the opportunities we have in life but will not force us to make any choice but he created us perfectly. We are the reason we act imperfectly. 
Another thing I learned is in the Book of Mormon there's a story of this family and the dad of this family his name is Lehi and he wakes up one morning and finds this ball out side his tent. And this ball is called the Liahona and it is a compass and it only works if they have faith in it and if they are living the commandments of God. If they are doing those things that ball will direct them to the promised land. And immediately after they found this ball they went and followed it and it's directions. Us now a days have a "Liahona" too and ours is the Holy Ghost we search our whole life for it and when we find it usually we lose it pretty quickly. SO we need to be more like Lehi and his family and right when we find our guide we have to follow it in the way to the promised land!
I love all y'all so much!  

Elder Bischoff

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