Monday, September 4, 2017

Almost done with the first transfer!

This week was very long! Elder LaMont was sick😷 so we didn't get to do very much! It was totally lame he was sick I felt bad for him! All good he's feeling better-ish now! But this week what we did get to do was meet with Steven! I wrote about him a few weeks back and he lives with Billy and amie and their family so he always sits in on the lessons but never took it seriously. He has been coming to church lately so we decided we would have another 1 on 1 lesson with him and he told us he is ready to be baptized! So now all He has to do is stop smoking and he's solid! Him getting baptized will be such a good example to Billy and Amie and the fam! Then we met with that Jehovah's witness again and he is something else hahaha it's so sad to teach him because he doesn't want to accept the gospel because he has known something different for 33 years so he doesn't want to give that up! It's so sad! We went to the food bank again this week it was so much fun I love doing that! We also had some trainings for Facebook because we get that today!! That will be so cool!! I'm glad y'all will be able to go on this journey with me! Oh yea the funniest part of the week is when we were at this elderly couples house for dinner and I whisper to elder LaMont "I triple dog dare you to sing to them for the message today" and he started to laugh then he says he will do it for a baconator meal and I said deal. Then when time for the message comes around he says "so Elder Bischoff and I want to sing for the message tonight is that okay?" My jaw dropped...... I just got thrown under the bus so I started to laugh and we sang put your shoulder to the wheel for them ðŸ˜‚😂😂 it was so funny! 
While singing I started to think to my self like never in my life did I think I'd be singing to an elderly couple in Kansas but I did hahaha I love being here making so many good memories! It's a blast to be able to talk to everyone about Jesus Christ because everyone out here is religious so it's common ground! And y'all know I love to talk so that's even better haha!  I love you all so much thank you for all the support and prayers! 

Elder Bischoff

made a cover for my books while my comp was sick!

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