Monday, October 2, 2017

Oh boy this week was so funny looking back at it!

This week was so awesome! It started out with us goin over to that African Refugee Family and their actually from the Central Republic of Africa! We went over their and did a family home evening with them and they had their very first root beer floats! They loved them hahaha!!!! It was so cute to see them be so hesitant eating it hahaha it was awesome!!!!!! Then Tuesday we were walking home from Wichita State and we got lost in a cemetery lol how?!?!?! But the cemetery was lit if you were wondering!! Then we went back to that African Refugee Familys and studied some French with them! One of the little girls took my tablet and watched Jesus Videos the whole time we were there those kids are amazing!!! They love them some Jesus! They watched videos and had no idea what they were even saying cuz it was in English and used big words but they knew it was true and that Jesus is real! They were so excited to see Jesus pop up in the videos!!!! We also did exchanges this week and I was with Elder Smack! He's a rugby player from Idaho! He's a funny guy! We met some really funny people! Then we also got our car back that day! Halle-freaking-lujah!!!!!! That was such a blessing! Y'all it's so funny how much  Mormon "doctrine" we hear as missionaries hahaha y'all it's hilarious! Well Saturday was hilarious.... kind of.... Well I woke up to Elder LaMont yelling "Elder Bischoff I have really bad news for ya" and what went through my mind was oh snap dang it we can't go to the gym this morning we have a meeting! So I said "I know we can't go to the gym today" so he said "Elder Bischoff I have more bad news for you. Come look at this" I waddle out of bed and get over there and see something crawling on his bed...... and said oh snap it isn't.... and he looked at me and shook his head and said it is! So what it was a bed bug and yes I know I thought they were a myth too! Their not they were stealing my companions blood with out even asking! Boooooo! Like who do they think they are those little thieves! I can't believe their trying to suck blood from their creators messenger like really bruh stop stealing! So he started vacuuming the freak out of his mattress and box spring to try to get rid of those twerps! Then we call our housing people and they told us not to clean anything and let it stay infected! Like nahhhhhhh why that's gross!!!!! But that's protocol so we started taping the little jerks to the mattress and labeling them exhibit A and B and C hahaha! Then we cleared EVERYTHING that wasn't infected out of that room and moved into the living room!!! We evacuated that room quick!!!!! Then we did all of his laundry cuz that's all infested.... (probably not but at that moment everything was contaminated!) So our Saturday wasn't spent  all peaceful watching conference like it should've it was spent in a panic freaking out haha! Bed bugs are a big problem out here in the Kansas Wichita Mission for some reason! But that night ended really awesome with being able to watch the Priesthood session! It was incredible and very inspiring! Sunday was freaking incredible to watch conference at Ians! We all learned a lot! I really enjoyed having all them there and enjoyed every one of the talks very very awesome! So General Conference is a time where we get to hear from the Apostles and Prophet of the Church! It's a very awesome time and a lot of awesome talks are given! It was so sad to hear Elder Robert D Hales passed away (he was an apostle of the church) he definitely left a mark on the world and left it in good hands! He has a greater work to begin now! I love you all so much and thank you so much for all y'all do for me! 

Elder Bischoff

Look what I found

Bed BUGS!!!!!

conference with Ian

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