Monday, January 22, 2018

Miracles on Miracles

Hello y'all whats cracka lackin?!?!?! This week was stupendous 😂😂😂 sorry thats just not a word I use.... its almost like im just saying words i dont know the meaning to just to make me look smarter 😂😂 sorry enough being wack. 

So this week started out with FHE playing catchphrase and that was super dope! I love that game hahahahah! Then Tuesday and Wednesday we did a lot of Finding and walking around it was a blast! We found and talked to a ton of amazing people. But Wednesday we taught Anya and D about the Restoration! They loved it and it was so awesome to see them and how they reacted towards it! They both said the spirit was there and they knew it. It was AWESOME! Then Thursday we had a lesson with Bryan again and it was good to get back into meeting with him again! Hes so awesome! He had so many awesome questions! Then Thursday we also had our Book of Mormon study group!!!! We had a lot of fun its going fairly good we are going to be getting more investigators there! Its gonna be awesome! Friday was awesome too we had a lesson with Odeal again and shes so funny she said she used our Plan of salvation pamphlet to teach her sunday school class last week and her "boss" told her she needs to teach the adults that lesson too cuz its so true! Lolol its great! We also met up with some people who stopped talking to us and they said we could come stop by again!!!! Its so awesome! Then Saturday we got to clean the church and then go do more service for that family! Then we had basketball and one guy who always comes invited his whole platoon out for it! It was so dope! We had close to 10 investigators actually show! It was so much fun!!!! Half way through we stepped out and taught and Investigator and he was telling us he knows the Book of Mormon is true and he loves it! It was so awesome!!!! So freaking cool! Then Sunday we had a ton of investigators show up for church it was awesome! We had the biggest miracle happen so we had this referral that we gave to the senior missionaries to go see cuz shes a single lady and she really liked what they said but wouldn't come to church! Then turns our D and Anya are her health care taker and brought her to church Sunday it was so awesome they loved it and said i cant wait for next week! It was so cool! So later Sunday  afternoon we got a referral after church to go see this guy named Ralph who is looking for a church and when we were out driving looking for places to knock we ended up right by his house and so we went and found it and he was outside and it was the perfect opportunity to ask if he needed any service or anything and introduce us. We asked him and he said. "STOP! DONT COME ANY CLOSER I DONT WANT TO BE CAUGHT ON FIRE!!!!" So we were like uuhhhhhhhhhhh well okay......... and awkwardly left hahaha. This week was awesome y'all i love y'all so much! 

Elder Bischoff


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