Monday, January 29, 2018

Another week in Paradise 🌴

Welllllllll this weeek was......... EvEnTfUl to say the least. This week was a really great week! And even if it wasnt i totally would still say it was! Let me prove to you why it was! So Monday Elder Peterson gave a FIRE lesson and then we played UNO for FHE. Then we came home and had Elder Saari and a couple other Elders at the apartment to sleep over for Zone Conference the next day and wellllll that night was lit! Tuesday we were up bright and early and played bball with the APs (assistants to the president) then we came home and got ready for Zone Conference! That took all day long for that! Then right after Zone Conference we had a really solid lesson with Bryan! That was freaking gnarley! We talked to him about what it means to be baptized! Then we had exchanges with the APs that was alotta fun! I went out with AP Crane and he served here in JC so I got to see all of the people he taught and get our foot in the door! Then Wednesday we got this whole Meet the Mormons event happening! So what it is, is a Q&A with the mission President and his wife coming up from Wichita for that! Its going to be absolutely frickin fantastic!!!! Thursday we woke up and got a phone call from Milly and she invited us over for Lunch and she fed us Beef Liver!!!!! Yo it was FIRE!!!! 
Then after we got a spiritual prompting to go visit this family and we got to sit and talk with them and it was really awesome to do that! Friday is the day we got all the Flyers made for the Meet the Mormons thing!!!!!! It was really awesome to get that all squared away and get the ball Rollin!  Saturday was a very packed day! We woke up to a text asking if we could bury a Guinea pig......  i felt like i was a criminal and like trying to hide a crime or something hahaha im wack! But yah that was cool! Then I got to Skype Ms. Kay! Elder LaMont and I taught her back in Bel Aire and she just got baptized!!!! Shes so amazing! It was awesome then we went and did service in Chapman again! It was gnarly as usual! Then we got taken to Famous Daves for dinner that night and yo it was fuego!!!!!! So good! Then we had a bunch of investigators at ball that night too!! 
Then Sunday we had a good bit of investigators at church and that was awesome as usual! One of them taught the Gospel Principles class and it was awesome!!!! This week was really fun and we got a lot of stuff rolling!!!!!! I love yall so much!!!
Elder B

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