Monday, November 13, 2017

The singing french Barber

Yall im sorry but this week was wack..... it was wack in a couple of ways hahaha to say the least it was a roller coaster of emotions! 
So to start off. Monday for Family Home Evening we played spoons..... y'all that was lit!!!!!! Hahahhaa it was so funny we were all diving all over the table for spoons and we were all just having a blast! Then through out the week my apartment turned into a barber shop so that was lit! But all week we were practicing our song to sing in church and y'all wow can i say were the next best thing....... 

Then  Wednesday we had interviews with Pres. That was awesome! Then we had exchanges that night so I was out and about with my District Leader that was aight! We met a few pretty Dope people!!! Their all pretty swagadocious! 
Then  Thursday I woke up with a COLD ahhh i was so upset so I dealt with that for a couple of days. 
But  Thursday we met with Stefan (he's a French speaker) and hes from Ivory Coast! Hes so cool so I taught a lot of that lesson in French that was so cool to see! His wife Yolanda is super cool! She speaks ZERO English. So I spoke only French to her!!! It was super awesome! 
Then Friday we stayed in cuz I was too sick to be productive! Then  Saturday IAN CAME UP AND SURPRISED ME! It was so cool! He is such a hoot! So we went out and did missionary work with him and had him meet some new members! It was awesome to see him again! And then  Sunday...... ohhh.....Sunday.. lol we had 4 investigators at church this week it was totally Gnarly!!!!! Except they heard our song....... hahahahahhahaha it was rough y'all...... boy oh boy....... all week long we had a member of the Bishopric join our practice and he kept saying "do exactly what you did their but better....." or "Just keep practicing" hahahahaha and wellllll....... ummm to say the least,  elder Bryan messed up a couple words and elder Neser well i couldn't hear him and me lol my throat stopped working at the end lol. Can you just imagine me going up and singing in church lol it was rough i felt so bad for those people having to hear it..... probs killed the spirit that was there...... and i was totally congested like LA traffic and couldn't even hear mg own voice lol..... it was good though hahaha a lot of people said we did good! I was just waiting for the lightning to zap them for lying in the church.  Also really good news! Vaida the little girl from back in Bel Aire the one we were teaching like every day has decided she wants to be baptized on the 25! So as of now Im planning on going to that baptism!!!!! 

Elder Bischoff


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