Monday, March 19, 2018

With all these lessons i should be in school again

This week has been CRAZY! We had the chance to knock maybe 100 doors this week! Usually that's a daily routine! But this week was so different! I loved it! So we had appointments every single day and no time in between them! Its been so awesome! We were having a blast finding people to teach now were having a lot more fun actually teaching! So the people were working with are 

Donald: a 15 Y.O. kid who just wants to know whats true and where to be happy!

Tim: a 33 Y.O youth pastor who doesn't believe anything his church teaches but likes his pay check. 

Loyda: 65 y.o. shes so sweet she hated the thought of the Book of Mormon and now loves it and is curious on why every copy of the bible doesn't have it attached haha! 

Ryan: 33 y.o. guy wanting to know how to apply the knowledge he has learned! He us unlike any other investigator i've ever had! Crazy! Hes so cool! 

Aldin: 85 y.o. man wanting to know how to reach salvation. Hes stuck on 7 day worship and pre earth life. Its fun explaining that almost every time we see him.

John: 28 y.o. youth pastor trying to find out what we believe and why were so happy! 

That's just some of them for y'all! I love these people so much! This place is so awesome i love it here in KS. Also watch out for my boys in the sweet 16! 

We went on exchanges this week and i went with my ZL Elder Grandy and it was so gnarly! I learned so much and had a lit of fun running around like a chicken with our heads chopped off! 

Sorry this is so long! Funny story before i go. So there's this guy in the ward named Derroll and we have this ongoing prank with him where we drop off fruit to his house and leave or just put it in his house while were there and he doesn't notice hahaha its been hilarious like when we put a banana in his bed hahaha or stuff like that! Hes so confused on who's doing this haha and we just deny deny deny lol! 
~Elder Bischoff


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