So the last few weeks have been WILD so much has been happening and I've been so busy I haven't written! I promise I'm doing alright just trying to stay focused! Any who...
We are working with Justice and he's cool he makes all these movie quotes and basketball references! He is the biggest KU fanatic you will ever meet! He is preparing to be baptized and recieve the priesthood because he wants to help people be better kinda like fro-zone from the incredibles he says. He is awesome!
We are also working with Alisa! She's so awesome she was Bhudist when we met her and now she has since prayed and come to know there is a God and He is there and wants to help her! She has made some very big steps in her life by considering herself Christian! She's now praying about baptism to see what God says!
The Lord has been good to us lately! I will be ending my mission in Lawrence helping with the college kids and serving with my best bud and brother Elder Whipple still

This last week was a little tough we both got pretty sick and have been out of commission but this next week we will be GRINDIN NON STOP! IT'S GONNA BE GREAT! I love Kansas yall it's amazing! I love life! I know Christ is real! Love yall!
P.s. many of yall have heard about the Tornado here and yes we saw it and were okay! We were in the middle of eating at a restaurant when we were told to go to the back hallway to take shelter lol! Kansas is fun here's some pics :)