This week was a really tough week in all honesty. But its a good week cuz there was a lot i needed to learn and i did! So thats good! But this week was filled with canceled appointments and slammed doors! Its okay though it led to really funny convos! We decided we had enough of the door slamming so we hot chalk and drew on park side walks! So that was really cool! We decided we'd draw near the High School here too and when we did we met 2 girls who were super awesome and really wanted to learn who lived in our area! It was GNARLY!
We went out to that really small town again to eat at that place but this time we went as a district and we had a member come with us! And it was FIRE as usual! But when we were going home the member was driving (hes 72 but has the energy of a 12 year old) and i realized we had missed our exit so i look down to pull it up on the GPS and in the 3 seconds i look down hes already half way up a "DO NOT ENTER" EXIT RAMP! There was this GIANT truck making its way to mess us up lol! It was so scary! Luckily he pulled over right in time and we were safe! Talk about energy drink wow that'll get your adrenaline pumpin!!
We got to do a LOT of service which i LOVE so that was a blast! We helped with a move, mowed a lawn, loaded a truck up with garbage to take to the dump, and built a sidewalk all in 2 days!
it was so much fun on the side walk one we did it with bricks and i got to lay the bricks down and while doing so i realized why we were there that day. It was so i can realized you cant just set out saying i'm gonna have a perfect life, get into someones house, get someone to listen, have the spirit, (fill in your goal) until you lay each individual brick down right that whole side walk was not 1 three hour project but thousands of 1 second projects to make sure each brick was laid to the best ability! It was really cool!
Sunday was a tough day I hated the world the moment church was over and was just being a cry baby honestly! But no one listened to us, no one kept their appointment and lastly we were getting stuff thrown at us and y'all know how short my fuse is a lot of the time and in the moment i wanted to rip someones head off but i just stopped and thought about how much the Savior had to endure and it was just shocking how he didn't ever retaliate! But the reason I tell this is because after we endured all the crap we did that day we got home and "buzz buzz" we get a text and the text is from a former investigator we met my first 2 days here in Hutch and we never got to have a real sit down lesson with her. But she said i'm ready and want to try out your church! it was so cool!
I am so sorry this is so long i didn't even realize i knew this many words but hey i love you all! Have a BALLER week!
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