I know you are going to want a Bio of my new comp so ill give that first for yall. His name is Elder Peterson and he is from Henderson, Nevada and graduated from Foothill HS. He has been in the mission for 6 weeks before being with me. He likes the gym. He can take my sarcasm and sassiness most the time
..... but lastly He is awesome!
So this week..... wack! We were sooooooo all over the place and were so freaking busy and everything so please bare with me!
So Monday we had FHE and we played spoons it was lit..... until I freaking lost i hated it hahaha I hate losing
!!!! It was Elder Saaris last FHE in JC! Sad but it was good it was a lot of fun like usually! Tuesday was wack cuz we had to do a lot of last minute packing and goodbyes so Saari could be good for the morning. Then Wed morning we had to be out the house by 6AM so we could be in Wichita for a Training meeting. So i was in a meeting from 8:45-3! It was BrUtAl!!!! All good I'll live! Then I drove back hahahha it was so fun to drive again
!!!! But we had to drive 30 min past JC to give other elders some stuff then drive all the way back............ Talk about CRAZINESS!!!!! Then we had to make our 7PM correlation meeting hahaha needless to say Wed was very hectic!!! Then Thursday we got back to the daily routine and got a lot of stuff done! Same for Friday! Saturday was fun we did service again for the Johnson family! I just love that family!!!!!! 
Then Sunday we had church and more appointments! We had almost 0 time to go knock doors or just go finding in general and knew we needed to so from 6:30-9 We went out and about knocking doors trying to find people. We worked our tails off and ended up finding 8 investigators it was so freaking awesome! God definitely will bless if we put forth the effort! 🤜🤛
So heres some miracles I saw from last transfer!
Mildred (Milly): So we got a text one day from SLC and it was a referral for Mildered and she wanted a Finding Faith In Christ movie and until this point of my mission this was the 1st time I had seen those cards be used for its purpose. So we head over there and go knock on her door and give her the DVD along with the restoration movie. We then go ahead and gwt talking about who we are and what we represent and she cuts us off and says "I know who you are. I used to study with missionaries and take the lessons and go to church. I was learning so much I was going to be baptized." She then goes on to tell us about how 3 years ago she was meeting with missionaries and was gonna be baptized but was kicked out of her house because she was studying with the "Mormons" so she was forced to move in with her family in Indiana. She felt God needed her back in Kansas so she moved back! As she was moving here she couldnt remember the name of the Book or of our church so she couldnt come back but as she was moving she saw a Finding Faith In Christ card fall out of her stuff and called it!
Odeal: One day we get a text from SLC and it was a referral for this lady named Odeal who had a copy of the Book of Mormon. She had called SLC and they mailed her a copy of the Book of Mormon instead of having missionaries get it to her. But she was reading it and wanted to know more so she got on Mormon.org and started talking about Adam and Eve with a rep and we got a text to go over there. So we go over there and get to teach her the restoration and what the Book of Mormon is. She tells us she knows 100% it is the "breath of God Himself" and teaches primary aged kids at her local church and lately has been using the Book of Mormon because it makes more sense!
Sorry this is so freaking long..... no body wants to stare at my email for fiveever so ill be shorter next week for yah! I love you all!

Elder Bischoff